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uk_3d.gif Odile Geoffroy Gibson

Born in France in 1941 , on the run toward the Corrèze , where her father, the musicologist Antoine Geoffroy-Dechaume was in the resistance, helped by her mother, danich painter, Grethe Svare Palsbo.

After the war, she lives twelve years in Demnark, and come back to Paris in 1959 where she studies the theatre with Tama Balachova and Marianne Stein.

She plays in two François Truffaut's productions , "Le Scarabée d'Or" of Robert Lachenay and "Tire aux Flancs 62" of Claude de Givray, films of Jean Luc Godard among which "Les Carabimers", and "La Belle Vie" of Robert Enrico.

In theatre she plays in "La Religieuse" at the Studio des Champs Elysées With Jacques Rivette,. "Le Révizor" with Jean Baptiste Thiérrée at the C.D.O., "Les Pépins De La Pomme" at La Gaieté Montparnasse and Café Theatre.

Married with the art critic Michael Gibson from 1969 to 1976 with whom she has two children.

She writes and instructs a play with children "Il Etait Une Baleine" at Le Kaléidoscope that become also a record , and creates an Atelier in Rue de la Bucherie for children and adults where one can learn pottery, sculpture, painting, jazz-ballet, receives artists among whom Steve Lazy , Ricet Barrier , Martin Saint Pierre, Los Gringos and organises exhibitions.

Then leaves Paris and restores a farm in the Midi Pyrénées. it's time for naturel gardening and solar panels. Also for a new association artistic and creative.

Reading, in particular Sri Aurobindo, meditation and concentration takes more and more place. In the ninety's the painting impose itself to her suddenly and unexpected as an energy from a source of life inexhaustile, a1ways present.

Photo: "d'Art sur Place", jardins Raimond VI au Musé d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Toulouse.

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